Tuesday, September 21, 2004

So Long And Thanks For All the Episodes

BBC Radio is reviving a series most of us are too young to have experienced first-hand. They have created 6 new episodes of Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy that will air over the coming weeks. Through the miracle of technology, Douglas Adams will be playing the role of Agrajag, despite the notable handicap of being dead.

Let's all raise a Djinan Tawnic to this sci-fi masterpiece and its talented creator. I will be glued to my (internet) radio after Thursday, when it becomes available for general download. The times listed on the web page are GMT+1, hence I can't listen live. I will be working, but such is life. If I can find a way to save the audio streams, I will do so.

Monday, September 20, 2004

Back Once Again with the Physical Master

Found out Friday that I passed my qualifier, which means, officially, I have completed all the requirements for my Masters degree. Finally have that milestone under my belt :).