My mom pointed out to me yesterday, that I need to add a couple more identities to the list from my last post. I am, indeed, also a son and a brother. To leave these out would be akin to saying water is not wet, for my family has done more to shape who I am than any other influence in my life. So, I offer my humble apologies for neglecting them yesterday.
Here is a short list of what my family has taught me over the years:
Dad: He taught me that providing for a family is much, much more than what you have in the bank (although having enough money can make it much easier to provide everything else).
Mom: She has taught me virtually everything I know about parenting. I won't be using this knowledge for many years, but when that time comes I know I will be very well prepared. I also know she'll be there for me for the times when I missed a lesson :-)
Nick: He provided me the opportunity to perfect my left hook :-). But, in all seriousness, I was an atrocious older brother. I specialized in emotional abuse instead of the more garden-variety beatings that make up most sibling rivalries. And for that, I am truly sorry. But, looking back on it now, I learned how fragile the ego can be--both mine and his. I would attack him to sustain my delusions of being an infallible genius, something I still have to work on at times... But, more importantly, I learned how strong the human spirit can be. In spite of all this torture, and many other difficulties in his life, he has grown up to be a mature, responsible, well-adjusted young adult with every indication of success ahead of him. The saying goes, "You can't keep a good man down," and Nick is one of the best. Way to go Nick, I'm proud of you :-)
Kory: He is about the best little (little) brother a guy could ask for. His greatest lesson to me is the joys of being a kid. When we're together I can be an 11-year-old and not feel guilty about it. (What does a stupid pirate say? "Sssss" :-P) Laughing at fart jokes and crashing airplanes are all in the course of a normal day, and it's a very refreshing escape from the drudgery that can sometimes be school and work. I'll give him a good tickling when I see him this weekend to show him I appreciate it, so you better watch out, Tinker :-D.
This is only a very short summary of how my family has influenced who I am today. It would take a volume on the order of "War and Peace" to write the complete version. (See, Ma? I didn't forget you guys!)