Saturday, February 22, 2003

Welcome to my inaugural blog. Since I don't have much else to share, I will start with a brief introduction. I am an engineer. I am a student. I am a boyfriend. I am often lazy. Not necessarily in that order, and usually I am many of these at once.

I am getting my Master's Degree in Physics because it's convenient and will get me out of school the fastest and into the working world soonest. Then, hopefully, I will make my fortune and move out of the real world and into my own fantasy world, which I am creating as we speak.

I hope to build my own "Rivendell." Find a nice secluded plot of land in the middle of nowhere and build a home worthy of mother nature. There I will read, write, commune with the animals (No, not that. I'm not from New Hampshire...).

Most of all though, I hope to travel. The world is a beautiful place and life is too short to only stare at one small piece. It would be like trying to divine the structure of a patchwork quilt by looking at one thread in the corner--the very definition of futility. Travel is a humbling experience. Every trip forces you to take those truths that you thought were self-evident and reexamine them in the context of the cultures you encounter. Some are reinforced, but most are dashed to pieces, leaving you with a simpler and greater view of terra than you had before.

As I promised to keep this brief, I will write more as the will posesses me.

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